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If You Have Cellulitis Are You Prone to Get It in the Same Spot Again


Cellulitis is a not-contagious bacterial infection of the pare and the deeper tissues beneath the skin. Anyone tin can go it, merely the risk is higher if you have a cutting, an animal bite or an ulcer, or if you take a weakened immune system.



What is cellulitis?

Cellulitis is bacterial infection of the skin and the tissues below the skin. It can occur on any office of the torso.

Is cellulitis contagious?

Cellulitis is not contagious.

Who gets cellulitis?

Anyone can get cellulitis, including children. Generally, a wound such every bit a cut, ulcer, beast bite, or surgical site puts a person at risk for cellulitis. Some people, even so, particularly those with a weakened immune system, tin can get cellulitis without a cut or sore.

Symptoms and Causes

What causes cellulitis?

Cellulitis can exist acquired by many unlike bacteria. The well-nigh common organisms are group A streptococci and S. aureus. Cellulitis that develops in the setting of a chronic ulcer is oftentimes caused by a mix of bacterial species.

What are the symptoms of cellulitis?

An adult or child with cellulitis often notices prominent symptoms in the affected area. These symptoms include:

  • Pain
  • Tenderness
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Warmth
  • Fluid-filled blisters
  • Belch

Cellulitis can also cause fevers and chills, which may be present earlier the local symptoms arise.

If yous observe any of these symptoms, you should meet your doctor immediately.

What can I do for my child if he or she has cellulitis?

If your child has symptoms of cellulitis, have him or her to the md for a complete diagnosis and to forestall any complications. Other things you can practice include the post-obit:

  • Give your child all medicine as directed by the doctor.
  • Attempt to proceed your kid from touching the infected area.
  • Wash your easily before and after caring for the infected surface area.
  • Do not clasp or puncture the surface area.
  • Use a warm compress on the affected area.
  • Keep the affected limb rested.
  • Phone call your doctor if you notice increased swelling, redness, or pain.

Do children need to exist hospitalized for cellulitis?

Although cellulitis is easily diagnosed and usually treated with antibiotics, some children may need to be hospitalized. Your child's doctor may exercise claret work to test for claret poisoning. If your kid is admitted to the hospital, his or her handling may include:

  • Intravenous (IV) fluids and antibiotics
  • Warm compresses on the affected area
  • Resting or raising the afflicted expanse

How can I preclude my kid from getting cellulitis?

  • Make clean the wounds or sores with soap and water.
  • Utilize an antibiotic ointment and bandage to encompass wounds.
  • Exercise not allow your child to rub or scratch the affected area.
  • Brand sure your child wears protective vesture when outdoors or playing sports.
  • Get medical attention right away for any deep cuts or puncture wounds.

Diagnosis and Tests

How is cellulitis diagnosed?

Your doctor can usually diagnose cellulitis based on your symptoms and a visual inspection of your pare.

Questions to enquire your child'southward doctor about cellulitis:

  • For how long and at what times of the twenty-four hours should I give my child medication, if any?
  • How should I store the medication? In the refrigerator?
  • When volition my child kickoff to feel better?
  • Volition I need to bring my kid dorsum for a follow-up visit?
  • Should I keep my child home from school or day care?
  • From which activities should I limit my child?
  • Are certain foods or liquids more than helpful?
  • Which over-the-counter pain relievers do you recommend?
  • Which over-the-counter medications/preparations are NOT recommended?
  • Which symptoms should I study to the doctor?

Management and Treatment

How is cellulitis treated?

Cellulitis is normally treated with antibiotics such as dicloxacillin or cephalexin. In most cases, these can exist taken by rima oris. More than serious cases of cellulitis and those that practise not resolve with oral antibiotics may crave hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics.

Warm compresses can be applied to the affected surface area to reduce symptoms and irritation. Elevating the affected area can aid reduce swelling.

Outlook / Prognosis

What is the prognosis for cellulitis?

Cellulitis can usually exist cured with a course of the advisable antibiotic, specially if it is diagnosed and treated early.

It is very important to take cellulitis seriously and get prompt handling. It tin chop-chop progress and lead to more serious conditions such as bacteremia (when the bacteria spreads to the bloodstream) or endocarditis (when the leaner infects the heart).

See your doctor right away if you notice any symptoms of cellulitis.

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